Also Serving Mornington

We undertake work in almost every facet of the law. While it would be easier for us to list those legal areas we cannot assist you with, we can help you with the following:
Arbitration & Mediation
- David is an accredited Mediator and Arbitrator and is able to mediate or arbitrate any type of dispute
- In 2002 he was appointed a Family Law Regulation 67B Arbitrator so can be appointed by the Family Court or parties to arbitrate a Family Law dispute
Business & Commercial Law
- Buying and selling businesses,
- Business structure (partnership/trust),
- Business and company acquisitions and sales
- Business name registration
- Retail leases, disclosure statements and lease disputes
- Commercial agreements
- Franchising, and commercial law generally
Conveyancing & Property Law
- Vendor’s Statements (Section 32s)
- Buying and selling land, houses, factories and farms
- Mortgages and refinancing
- Subdivisions and the creation of easements
- DG&A also assist the Mornington Peninsula Shire Council in property matters
Criminal Law
- Driving and traffic offenses
- Drink driving
- Assaults
- Burglaries and thefts
- Sexual offenses
- Drug offenses
- County and Supreme Court trials
Debt Recovery
- Recovery of monies owed to individuals and businesses
Employment Law
- Unfair dismissal for both employers and employees
- Employment contracts
- Advice to both employers and employees as to their rights, entitlements and obligations
Estates & Estate Challenges
- Advice on interpretation of wills
- Prosecuting and defending challenges to wills and estates
Family Law
- Child related matters including residence, child support, contact and relocation
- Property disputes and settlements
- Prenuptial and Cohabitation agreements
- Post separation agreements
- Binding financial agreements
Family Trusts
- Discretionary family trusts
- Unit trusts
- Hybrid trusts
- Superannuation funds
General Litigation
- Motor vehicle accidents
- Civil disputes
- Commercial disputes
Intellectual Property
- Registration of designs and trademarks
- Advice on copyright
- Breaches of intellectual property rights
Liquor Licensing
- Applications for License
- License variations
Local Government Planning
- Planning advice
- Planning applications
- Planning objections
- VCAT appeals
Powers of Attorney
- Enduring (financial) powers of attorney
- Medical treatment powers of attorney
- Guardianship appointments
- VCAT applications for both applicants and family members
Restraining Orders
- Representation in the Magistrates Court to obtain or oppose Intervention Orders
- Representing persons for breaching of Intervention Orders
Victims of Crime Compensation
- Lodging and prosecuting applications for victims of crime
Wills & Probate
- Wills
- Testamentary trusts
- Application for Grants of Probate and Letters of Administration (no will)
- Estate advice and administration generally